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Tim Redding wrote:
| We are experiencing intermittent problems with a particular site that
is not
| returning the correct file that is requested.  For instance if we request
| the index.html file we actually get a css file or even an image.  From the
| apache access log you can see that the size of the index.html file
grows on
| the second request. This is because a gif was actually returned.
| XXX.XXX.XXX.130 - - [10/Jul/2008:15:10:39 +0100] "GET /index.html
| 200 1068
| XXX.XXX.XXX.130 - - [10/Jul/2008:15:13:10 +0100] "GET /index.html
| 200 9526
| XXX.XXX.XXX.130 - - [10/Jul/2008:15:13:48 +0100] "GET /index.html
| 200 1086

Wow. That's weird. Is Tomcat serving the file, or is httpd serving it?

Does this happen whether Tomcat is running or not? How about if mod_jk
is disabled versus enabled?

| We have Apache/2.2.3 on the front on a Tomcat 6.0.16 server with mod_jk
| (version unknown but fairly recent).

$ strings /path/to/mod_jk.so | grep mod_jk/

(This is what mine returns). Remember that mod_jk 1.2 has been around
for ... ever and there's a big difference between 1.2.5 and 1.2.26.
Virtually all versions of mod_jk are compatible with all versions of
Apache httpd and Tomcat, so you should upgrade to the latest whenever it
is convenient for you.

| We have all assets in our war file.

Does the WAR file get expanded during deployment?

| JkMount status

Probably not your problem, but is this the correct syntax? I would have
expected something like

JkMount status_uri status

|     jkmount /* loadbalancer

Looks like everything goes to Tomcat. Try enabling the AccessLogValve to
see which requests Tomcat is responding to -- that may help shed a bit
of light on the problem.

- -chris
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