
> Wow. That's weird. Is Tomcat serving the file, or is httpd serving it?

All requests are going to tomcat via httpd.

> Does the WAR file get expanded during deployment?

Well tomcat usually extracts the contents to a temporary location so I guess

> Does this happen whether Tomcat is running or not? How about if mod_jk
> is disabled versus enabled?

When tomcat isn't running I get the standard 503 Service Temporarily
Unavailable. As this is a production server I can't really afford to disable

We're running mod_jk/1.2.23.  Could probably upgrade. But haven't had an
issue with this on our other servers.  I'll wait and see what the
accessLogValve presents.

I'm pretty sure the syntax is correct.  It follows the sysntax i've seen in
many examples on the net....   I've corrected the case just in case that
makes any difference.

Yeah I've just enabled the AccessLogValve so I'll know more about problem

Thanks for your response.


Christopher Schultz-2 wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Tim,
> Tim Redding wrote:
> | We are experiencing intermittent problems with a particular site that
> is not
> | returning the correct file that is requested.  For instance if we
> request
> | the index.html file we actually get a css file or even an image.  From
> the
> | apache access log you can see that the size of the index.html file
> grows on
> | the second request. This is because a gif was actually returned.
> |
> | XXX.XXX.XXX.130 - - [10/Jul/2008:15:10:39 +0100] "GET /index.html
> HTTP/1.1"
> | 200 1068
> | XXX.XXX.XXX.130 - - [10/Jul/2008:15:13:10 +0100] "GET /index.html
> HTTP/1.1"
> | 200 9526
> | XXX.XXX.XXX.130 - - [10/Jul/2008:15:13:48 +0100] "GET /index.html
> HTTP/1.1"
> | 200 1086
> Wow. That's weird. Is Tomcat serving the file, or is httpd serving it?
> Does this happen whether Tomcat is running or not? How about if mod_jk
> is disabled versus enabled?
> | We have Apache/2.2.3 on the front on a Tomcat 6.0.16 server with mod_jk
> | (version unknown but fairly recent).
> $ strings /path/to/mod_jk.so | grep mod_jk/
> mod_jk/1.2.26
> (This is what mine returns). Remember that mod_jk 1.2 has been around
> for ... ever and there's a big difference between 1.2.5 and 1.2.26.
> Virtually all versions of mod_jk are compatible with all versions of
> Apache httpd and Tomcat, so you should upgrade to the latest whenever it
> is convenient for you.
> | We have all assets in our war file.
> Does the WAR file get expanded during deployment?
> | JkMount status
> Probably not your problem, but is this the correct syntax? I would have
> expected something like
> JkMount status_uri status
> |     jkmount /* loadbalancer
> Looks like everything goes to Tomcat. Try enabling the AccessLogValve to
> see which requests Tomcat is responding to -- that may help shed a bit
> of light on the problem.
> - -chris
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