dave.smith schrieb:
Wow. That's weird. Is Tomcat serving the file, or is httpd serving it?

Not too weird.  I am experiencing the same thing with Tomcat 5.5 and mod_jk
1.2.23.  I have Tomcat serving everything.

I am also using a load balancer that sends an OPTION every 2 seconds to each
web server to make sure that the server is alive.

This intermittent random response issue is really killing me.

Could you please also add some info:

Tomcat version?

And from my previous mail:

What's you platform and which httpd MPM (prefork orworker or something else) do you use? For some platforms (e.g. AIX) the detection of multi-threading in httpd during mpod_jk build-time was broken. Starting with 1.2.24 we build always including multi-thread support unless explicitely stated via a configure option. If you 1.2.23 build is not thread safe, but your httpd uses threads (like with worker mpm), then such trouble is possible, although more likely you would see crashes etc. For most platforms like Linux and Solaris the threading detection was OK already before 1.2.24.

Another possible (but not very likely) cause could be bug 44494 of Tomcat 6.0.16/5.5.26 which under certain circumstances could leave data in the request object after request handling completed. You could try either downgrading to 6.0.15/5.5.25 or upgrading to the soon to be expected 6.0.17/5.5.27.

I would also add the access log on the Tomcat side. If you find the same phenomenon there, then it's unlikely, that httpd/mod_jk are responsible and the reason should be inside Tomcat or the webapp.

Can you reproduce the problem on a test system?



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