I never do this deletion while the webapp is running.
I stop the web app. carry out the deletion, and then restart the webapp, either by dropping a new war for the app in webapps, or using the manager app, or by restarting tomcat. The work directory is where tomcat uses jasper to compile jsp's, and that is done on an as-needed basis. So if you do the deletion first, and then (re)start your app, tomcat will start recompiling the jsp's in work as they are requested.


On Aug 30, 2008, at 12:25 PM, Jonathan Mast wrote:

I planned on doing that. However I'm concerned about the meantime between deleting the wepapp subdirectory inside work/ and restarting. This webapp receives alot of traffic, what will Tomcat do when it gets a request for
that webapp, after the work/...WEBAPP directory is deleted?

Might it actually derive the correct jsp servlet and therefore not require a

Or will it throw errors? And if so, will those errors be limited to that
webapp or could if affect other webapps?


On Sat, Aug 30, 2008 at 11:13 AM, H. Hall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Ken Bowen wrote:

When I run into behavior that sounds like what you describe, I
manually delete


before restarting.


Yep, me too. Has rarely happened, usually one jsp is the problem and I
delete its associated class file and the jsp will then compile ok.


On Aug 29, 2008, at 5:00 PM, Jonathan Mast wrote:

I refactored the POJO side of a webapp I have. I basically moved some
objects referenced by the JSPs into a new package. I updated the jsps accordingly, by importing the new package with the PAGE directive at the top. I deleted the old version of the webapp, rebuilt it, and restarted

It then started spewing errors, generated from the jsp's, about not being able to find the old classes. I am convinced that the errors lies in the work/ directly, specifically the derived java sources of the jsp were not
updated when I restarted Tomcat.

I know the problem is not in the webapp itself because i tested it out on
Windoze box before deploying to Linux where the problem occured. My question is: how do I force Tomcat to delete the "work" directory upon
restarting or when I'm building from Ant?


Tomcat 5.5.17
Java 1.4.2

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H. Hall
ReedyRiver Group LLC

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