There's an implicit association based on the context path. myWebApp.xml in conf/Catalina/localhost is implicitly associated with the webapp myWebApp in the webapps directory, whether it be as a .war or expanded folder. Illegal may be a strong word -- it implies that tomcat will flat out reject the context when you define a docBase. If there is a docBase attribute defined, it may be ignored if there's a webapp in the webapps directory matching the context name (as defined by the *name* of the context xml file in conf/{Engine Name}/{Host name}, not the path attribute of <Context ...>....</Context>). Worse, if the name of your webapp in webapps is different than the name of the context xml file in conf/{Engine Name}/{Host name}, you can get a double-deploy. Only one instance of the webapp will have the additional settings provided by the context xml file though.

Best practice overall is don't specify a docBase attribute unless your webapp is outside the appBase you are deploying the application to. Some people have reasons for doing this -- like when they absolutely have to have the war file named in some specific way that doesn't match the context path. Also don't define a path attribute unless your <Context ... > ... </Context> element is in server.xml (absolutely NOT recommended).


Paul Pepper wrote:
I'll have to check the docs again.  However, docBase is only legal when the webapp is 
stored outside of the <Host>
appBase directory.  Otherwise, you risk ending up with double deployment.

I don't see docBase described that way in the docs - at this moment
I'm referring to Besides,
I don't see any other documented way of associating each application
with its associated <Context/> element within server.xml.

unless I named the application ROOT, which is less than ideal
That is the defined mechanism for specifying the default webapp in current 
Tomcat levels.

That's one mechanism for specifying the ROOT application. Referring to, when
using individual context files under
    "The default web application may be defined by using a file called
The filename less the .xml provides the context path (/ in the case of
ROOT) and the <Context/> element's docBase points to the ROOT
application. This is all in accordance with the current 6.0 docs from
my reading of them.

I'd like to pull this out into a thread of its own on this mailing
list. Maybe we can take this discussion there. This particular problem
is of importance to me, and it would seem also to others judging by
the comments left on the bug report that I referenced in my previous

Placing <Context> elements in server.xml is really only there for compatibility 
with older versions of Tomcat.  Personally, I'd like to see it made illegal, which 
would put an end to many potential configuration errors.

Then you'd be taking away the only mechanism (that I can see) for
pointing to an application as ROOT, without the inelegant renaming of
applications as ROOT.


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