2008/9/3 David Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> There's an implicit association based on the context path.  myWebApp.xml in
> conf/Catalina/localhost is implicitly associated with the webapp myWebApp in
> the webapps directory, whether it be as a .war or expanded folder.

Yes, I agree that the docs read this way. The point under discussion
here was the use of a <Context/> docBase within server.xml - it's
necessary in order to disambiguate the use of a <Context/> to a
specific application.

> Illegal may be a strong word -- it implies that tomcat will flat out reject
> the context when you define a docBase.  If there is a docBase attribute
> defined, it may be ignored if there's a webapp in the webapps directory
> matching the context name (as defined by the *name* of the context xml file
> in conf/{Engine Name}/{Host name}, not the path attribute of <Context

I don't understand "may be ignored". Either docBase is ignored in this
situation, or it isn't.

> ...>....</Context>).  Worse, if the name of your webapp in webapps is
> different than the name of the context xml file in conf/{Engine Name}/{Host
> name}, you can get a double-deploy.  Only one instance of the webapp will
> have the additional settings provided by the context xml file though.

I'm afraid I haven't encountered this behaviour described in the docs.
I'd be grateful of a reference to it. Where documentation is missing,
or where further clarity is required (as suggested by repeated
user/developer mistakes), what is the procedure within Apache for
helping make this happen?

> Best practice overall is don't specify a docBase attribute unless your
> webapp is outside the appBase you are deploying the application to.  Some
> people have reasons for doing this -- like when they absolutely have to have
> the war file named in some specific way that doesn't match the context path.

That suggests that you've encountered cases where it is reasonable for
the docBase and the context's xml file name to differ. However, the
ambiguity in the use of docBase (re. above), and the double deployment
problem that you mention, makes it difficult to solve this problem -
worse if the use of <Context/> taken away as an option.

If it's agreeable to the guys that have responded so far, then I'd
like to get this discussion onto a thread of its own so that the
subject reflects the discussion and mail headers refer to a specific
topic. If you'd like to continue the discussion about <Context/> that
we have started here, then please give me a little time to post this
question as another message on this list - referring to this thread in
the archives to avoid repetition.

>  Also don't define a path attribute unless your <Context ... > ...
> </Context> element is in server.xml (absolutely NOT recommended).




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