Eric Berry wrote:

> Ok cool. Thank you very much for clearing that up for me. The first time I
> deployed the war, there wouldn't have been a context in any of the 3
> locations mentioned above. As you said, it would have copied the context.xml
> file from the war into the 3rd location as <contextpath>.xml correct?
Yes, correct.

> I looked at in $CATALINA_HOME/conf/[enginename]/[hostname]/, and sure enough
> there is a mywar-snapshot.xml. When I look at the contents of that file it
> it contains this:
> [quote]
> <Context path="/mywar" />
> [/quote]
> So in this case the file-name itself is actually used rather than the path
> specified in this file?
> I know you quoted this from the documentation, I just wanted to clarify that
> this is what it meant.
Yes, that is correct.
With that context file, you don't actually need one.

> My understanding aside, this seems a bit counter-intuitive to me. Why
> recommend the use of the context.xml if it really isn't used?
The context.xml is recommended if you need to set other context
parameters (eg privileged, DataSources etc). It isn't recommended to
always use one.

> In either case, thank you very much for the help.
You're welcome.


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