Can you tell us on what kind of host system you are running this ?
It would help guessing where the files are.



I am not the expert, but it should indeed be relatively simple, so I'll try. In a nutshell :

- start again from the original "server.xml" file.
- in it, locate the <Host name="localhost" ..>...</Host> section, copy it, and re-insert it after the original section.
- then replace the name="localhost" attribute by name=""
- then redo the same one more time, this time with ""

The above takes care of letting Tomcat known that there are 3 Virtual Hosts :
- and localhost, which will also be (remain) the Host by default, if the name given in the request does not match either of the other ones (for example, if someone calls up (with the IP address of your server). (I suggest to keep that one as it is, to access the documentation etc..)

Now what is left is to tell Tomcat where, for each of the virtual hosts, he finds the corresponding documents and webapps. I would recommend to create 2 additional directories, at the same level as your current "webapps", say "webapps-pink" and "webapps-blue". Then move the respective documents/applications in these directories, checking ownership and permissions etc.. They must at least be readable by the user-id running Tomcat.

Now go back to your individual Hosts sections, and change appBase="webapps" by appBase="webapps-pink" and appBase="webapps-blue"

Now restart Tomcat.

You should now be able to access "blue" by calling up "";.

To make this trailing /mrblue go away, you should make this webapp into the ROOT webapp for that virtual server, but for that I'll let an expert give you the instructions.

Have I got it right ?

Morgan Cox wrote:

This is a simple question (i think)

After playing with server,xml (and various other .xml files) I am unable to
work out how to host multiple domains on a Tomcat 6 (standalone)  server
(running on port 80) ..

 I have read -

I.e - I have uploaded 2 contexts


- mrpink was uploaded first (as root context).

- I have 2 domains

- both domains point to the same ip (tomcat server)
- however when visiting both sites they go to the ROOT context.

- I want to go to  and
www.mrblue.comto go to
- how is this possible ?

Please note : that both contexts are fine when you put the URL in (i.e - I just want Tomcat to understand when you visit to automatically goes to

I have tried editing server.xml (as shown in above link)

also tried using the tomcat host-manager  - every time I try to use this I
get file/folder not found when visiting the page - i.e the host-manager
seems to work fine but visiting the page after adding a virtual host i get a
blank page (in firefox) - file/folder not found in konqueror ....

Here is an example I tried - to get to point to using the host-manager....

- First I uploaded the mrblue tomcat application using the tomcat manager..

Using host-manager ...

name :
alias :
app base : /opt/tomcat/webapps/mrblue/

The webapp is located in - /opt/tomcat/webapps/mrblue/

I understand I can do what I want using mod_jk - however it seems crazy
using apache when I do not really need to ...

Can anyone help - its slowly driving me mad..............


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