----- Original Message ----- From: "uprooter" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <users@tomcat.apache.org>
Sent: Monday, October 06, 2008 4:29 PM
Subject: Using tomcat to hold many open connections.

I'm looking for a server that has to hold many (web services) remote clients
for controlling them.
I want to do things like sending power off command to a bunch of machines
The clients are usually windows machines behind firewalls  NAT or web
proxies that only allow HTTP (this is why I thought of webservices)

The regular request-response fashion that servlet follows  is not suitable
here since the initiator of the operation is the server.
What can I do in order to solve this and still use web services?

HTTP is pull only.... Browser asked a question, server answers
But technologies like Ajax (javascript with a fancy name) simulate real time display... they can poll.
So thats how you get your charts...

(talks to server)

TC will service those requests but inside TC you can do anything... and in your case beside the monitoring stuff you going to have a machine client. ie either the machines are "mini webservers" and or they using a serial protocol... so you have a "machine service" that talks to them, and monitors them. The design may even include talking to a PLC or some some other controller, possibly even relay logic if the there are safety aspects... ie cant have the factory shutdown just because a web server crashed, so got to think about that.

For cool charting and that sort of thing, you looking at rich clients... TC has GWT, and Flex and our Pojo Application Server which allows you to run normal Java at the client as well for cool real time graphs and that sort of thing. What the PAS can also do is run mixed native and you going to need it because java is not hot on serial/usb parellel etc... which you will need for the machine interface... typically the drivers and the interface are not done in Java.

Really cool project you got there... there are lots of skills needed but I would definitely use TC. You outside the box, crossing over between engineering, electronics and IT so you not going to get too much help in any one mailing list... but it can be done if you know the protocol on the machines, and you good... in the end you'll watch and control those machines from anywhere... lucky devil, its a technical orgasm.. ha ha

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