slioch wrote:
I'll risk an explanation here..

I think maybe the issue is a misunderstanding of how a servlet filter works. It took me a while too, but I think I've got it in the end.
Sorry if this is level 101, that's my own level.

What was confusing to me at first, is that this is different from, for instance, Apache input and output filters. There there is a clear distinction between an input filter, which sees all the data on the way in to the application, and an output filter, which sees all the data that the application produces, before it goes out to the browser. An input filter and and output filter are two separate pieces of code, and you can install them independently.

In the Java servlet view of things, a filter is a "wrapper", within which the other filters and the webapp run. It's like an onion : your filter is the outer layer, within which there are possibly further layers (other filters), and at the center is the webapp. When your filter calls doFilter(), it executes all its inner layers in one go. The bummer is that, unless you take pains to change that, each of these layers has a direct access to the output buffers, which live outside the onion. So unless you prevent them from doing that, they will start putting bytes there, and by the time your doFilter() returns, it's too late to change that.

When you execute doFilter(), in fact you execute, at that point, all the further filters that are in the chain, and the webapp at the deepest level. If any of these starts sending output, then by the time the doFilter() returns, that output is already "past" your filter, and there is nothing you can do anymore to modify it.

If you want something else to happen, then you have to do something like this : - in your filter, subclass the HttpRequest, say as "myHttpRequest". In this subclass, redefine the methods that the underlying filters and webapp will (presumably) use to send output to the buffer. In these redefined methods, you can then do whatever you want to transform what the application sends out via these methods. - then, instead of passing the original HttpRequest to the doFilter(), pass your own myHttpRequest instance of it.

This way, whenever the application "thinks" it is just using the (say) HttpRequest.setHeader() method, it is in fact using *your* myHttpRequest.setHeader() method, in which you can catch and "pervert" whatever you want, before passing it on to the "real" HttpRequest.setHeader() method.

The point is, if you let any underlying (from the point of your filter) other filter or webapp call i.e. the original setHeader(), then that's it : that line of output is now already in the HTTP output buffer queue, and by the time your doFilter() returns, it no longer can "claw it back".

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