Dear Dan,

Thanks for the info, I have verified that my existing Tomcat is offline. My existing Apache Tcat 5.5.25 binds to the port without incident, only the out of the box 6.0.16 is causing the problem, with the identical message as yours.

I'm using netstat -an |grep 8005 on AIX, to only list if the port is in use/listening. I've done a 'man netstat' and cannot find the command to list the actual process, still checking AIX commands to see what available.

When I issue the ./ and execute the netstat command again, no rows are returned, which would normally indicate the port/ socket is released. Let me reiterate, my existing will come up and bind to the port.


Before the server shutdown automatically, I can access the 8080 port and display the Apache splash page.

Any thing else to check?

No idea, really. Sorry.

Kees Jan

Human beings make life so interesting. Do you know that in a universe so full of wonders, they have managed to invent boredom. Quite astonishing... -- Terry Partchett

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