Caldarale, Charles R wrote:
From: André Warnier [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Manager app language

Do you really mean that one webapp can change that setting and thus
influence other webapps that way ?

Yes - which is why you can configure a SecurityManager to restrict anti-social 
Ok. I understand the idea. But I have a question below.

If Tomcat <Host> has autoDeploy=true, is that still valid ?

It's not autoDeploy that would affect it, but rather deployOnStartup; 
regardless, the init() method of a servlet could change the value if its webapp 
happened to be deployed before the manager webapp.

Ok again. Let me detail this painstakingly, as I want to make sure I understand this correctly, and my understanding of JSP is even more scarce than that of Java and servlets in general.

We have one application, which consist exclusively of jsp pages.
In the Welcome page of this application (the one mentioned in the web.xml's <welcome-file> tag), right before anything gets displayed to the user calling it up, the user.language property is currently being set to German, as a default value, and the initial page display is in German, with a possibility for the user to switch the language right away.

So, I understand that as soon as this page is being *displayed*, the JVM's user.language property is now "de", and that any webapp which, from this point on, would read this property from the same JVM would also get "de".

Now my question is : assuming Tomcat is started anew, that all applications are deployed and loaded, but assuming the above application has not yet been *accessed* by anyone since that restart, can this application already have changed the value of the user.language property ?

Even more painstakingly : not knowing the jsp mechanism very well, I nevertheless imagine that the "real servlet" in that case is some "jsp compiler", ready to compile on-the-fly any jsp page called up by the application (and thereafter caching the compiled code for later re-use). And I guess any init() method called by Tomcat would thus be the one of this jsp compiler. But does that jsp compiler already pre-compile some of the pages, and execute some of the methods invoked in these pages, even before a user would actually call up the page ?

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