Hello all,

I'm seeing frequent cases where requests sent via mod_jk to Tomcat will hang indefinitely. The request will never return to Apache and the client will eventually time out. There are no error messages.

In my test case I run wget against various URLs until the hang occurs (usually within 2-3 minutes). Here are the last few entries from my mod_jk.log file (JkLogLevel = trace):

[Thu Dec 04 13:28:08.509 2008] [27224:1] [debug] ajp_connection_tcp_send_message::jk_ajp_common.c (911): 00c0 FF 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 - ................ [Thu Dec 04 13:28:08.510 2008] [27224:1] [trace] ajp_connection_tcp_send_message::jk_ajp_common.c (928): exit [Thu Dec 04 13:28:08.510 2008] [27224:1] [debug] ajp_send_request::jk_ajp_common.c (1325): (ajp13) request body to send 0 - request body to resend 0 [Thu Dec 04 13:28:08.511 2008] [27224:1] [trace] ajp_send_request::jk_ajp_common.c (1422): exit [Thu Dec 04 13:28:08.511 2008] [27224:1] [trace] ajp_get_reply::jk_ajp_common.c (1613): enter [Thu Dec 04 13:28:08.511 2008] [27224:1] [trace] ajp_connection_tcp_get_message::jk_ajp_common.c (953): enter

Beyond this point there is no activity. There are never any error messages generated, not in mod_jk.log, catalina.out, nor in the Apache logs.

There is a thread dump of Tomcat (after the hang begins) at:

This is a pretty simple setup, both Apache & Tomcat are running on the same host, so there is no firewall issue. No load balancing, just one worker defined.

workers.properties file:

(have tried with and without the socket_timeout parameter - makes no difference)

My server.xml file is at:

(I've tried various settings (or none) for connectionTimeout inside the AJP connector - makes no difference)

mod_jk related parts of my httpd.conf file are at:

Version info:
Server: Solaris 10
Apache: 2.2.6
mod_jk: 1.2.25
Tomcat: 6.0.14
libtcnative: 1.10
Java: 1.5.0_14

I'm running Tomcat under jsvc. The JVM gets 2G of memory (there are 8G total on the system) - I don't think there's any memory issue. I'm in test mode so I'm the only user; there's virtually no CPU load on the box.

I've reached a dead end here -I'm hoping someone on the list may have some ideas. Thanks for any help you may be able to provide.


Roy McMorran
Systems Administrator
MDI Biological Laboratory

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