Hi All,

TC 5.0.12
java version "1.4.1_04"

I have inherited a project that has multiple copies of some jar files under $CATALINA_HOME. In particular the one I noticed first was


I am under the impression that having multiple copies of the same jar file is not ever a good thing!

There are some others but I am curious - do these really belong in server or shared? Does anyone know where these are supposed to live?

I also saw from the tomcat website this:

"Therefore, from the perspective of a web application, class or resource loading looks in the following repositories, in this order:

   * Bootstrap classes of your JVM
   * System class loader classses (described above)
   * //WEB-INF/classes/ of your web application
   * //WEB-INF/lib/*.jar/ of your web application
   * /$CATALINA_HOME/common/classes/
   * /$CATALINA_HOME/common/endorsed/*.jar/
   * /$CATALINA_HOME/common/i18n/*.jar/
   * /$CATALINA_HOME/common/lib/*.jar/
   * /$CATALINA_BASE/shared/classes/
   * /$CATALINA_BASE/shared/lib/*.jar/

If an application wants to use a class from catalina.jar, does that mean catalina.jar needs to be deleted from server/lib and placed in shared/lib? Or is that not even possible by design?

Thanks again!

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