Perhaps I should explain more about how my rewrite sans JOINs works:

The reports read from a log table with this schema:
PK | ref_PK1 | ref_PK2 | ref_PK3 | start_time | stop_time

Where ref_PK# is the primary key of another table.  These 3 other tables are
very shallow (row count < 100).  The log table is very deep (row count >

The web app, when started, reads the 3 shallow tables into memory (3 hash

(And btw:  the database code is NOT intertwined with the Serlvet code, thank
you very much :)

To run a report: the user enters the start and stop times, along with some
other options.  The report sends the options to db accessor class which runs
a query that only references the log table.  The results (an array of Log
objects) are rendered as an HTML table (it also does Excel).  The ref_PK#
values are matched against their respective hashmaps to produce human
readable data.

This approach proved much faster than using the JOINs.  I'm not saying that
there is no place for using JOINs, just that you need to think about where
to place the processing load.  Our database is very busy with writes, all of
which have priority over reads, hence the desire to move as much load off of
it as possible.

Furthermore, the data in 3 shallow tables doesn't change once inserted.  But
in other projects where I employ caching, the caches Timeout after certain
periods of time.  Also these other caches load incremently (as needed)
instead of preloading, which is what the report app does.

Finally, I am very busy with other responisibilites at my job, and do not
have time to dig into heiroglyphics of database optimization which is very
vender specific and as such further binds your organization to that vendor.


On Fri, Jan 23, 2009 at 12:52 PM, Christopher Schultz <> wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> Chris,
> Chris Wareham wrote:
> > By the way, if it's not static data your caching,
> > how's your messaging system? Without one how are you going to maintain
> > the integrity of your caches? Even with one, can you tolerate a race
> > condition between the data being modified in the database and the
> > notifications causing all your caches to be updated?
> Er... write-through cache? Presumably, Leon is talking about a one-box
> wonder.
> Before everyone starts yelling about how stupid everyone else's ideas
> are, maybe we should just let this one go in the interests of civility.
> - -chris
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> =nOJX
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