workers.properties is as follows:


This is a simple file from the tutorial.

The jkmount directives in httpd-conf... I followed the tutorial to use
the auto config, so in httpd.conf I have the following:

Include /usr/lib/apache-tomcat/conf/auto/mod_jk.conf

The contents of mod_jk.conf is as follows:

########## Auto generated on Wed Jan 28 15:05:37 EST 2009##########

<IfModule !mod_jk.c>
  LoadModule jk_module

JkWorkersFile "/usr/lib/apache-tomcat/conf/jk/workers.properties"
JkLogFile "/usr/lib/apache-tomcat/logs/mod_jk.log"

JkLogLevel emerg

I do not have a directory /etc/apache2/mods-available nor can I find the
files jk.conf and jk.load

there is also no directory /etc/apache2/mods-enabled

my connector definition from ${CATALINA_HOME}/conf/server.xml is:

<Connector port="8009" protocol="AJP/1.3" redirectPort="8443" />

Again, all this was created and configured according to the


On Wed, 2009-01-28 at 20:54 +0100, Gregor Schneider wrote:
> If you want people to help you, it's a good idea to post
> - workers.properties (should be in /etc/apache2)
> - your jkmount-directives (should be in the httpd-conf-file of your domain)
> Not knowing CentOS, therefore just a shot from the hip:
> - do you have a directory /etc/apache2/mods-available?
> If so, are there two file jk.conf and jk.load?
> Can you post your jk.conf?
> - do you have a directory /etc/apache2/mods-enabled?
> If so, do you also find there symbolic links pointing to
> /etc/apache2/mods-available/jk.load and
> /etc/apache2/mods-available/jk.conf?
> In ${CATALINA_HOME}/conf/server.xml, have you specified a connector
> for AJP/1.3? Should look similar to
>     <Connector port="8009"
>                enableLookups="false" redirectPort="8443"
> protocol="AJP/1.3" address=""/>
> Can you post your connector-definition?
> rgds
> Gregor

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