Thanks folks. Oddly enough I ran into this same issue with almost an identical system at the same time as the original poster (odd in itself), and this solution fixed me right up. I added the "JkMountCopy all" line under the rest of my global jkmount lines and that fixed me right up.

Thank you!

Warm regards,
Jordan Michaels
Vivio Technologies
Open BlueDragon Steering Committee
Adobe Solution Provider

Rainer Jung wrote:
Well answered until here. I assume it's the old "put your JkMount into the virtual host" problem.

kMount does only apply to the virtual host they are put into. So when they are in the global server, but your requests to httpd are handled by a VirtualHost, then the JkMounts are not effective for those requests.

To keep it simple, you can set "JkMountCopy all" in the global server, or you can move the JkMount lines to the virtual hosts which should actually do the forwarding.



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