Mike Eller wrote:
workers.properties is as follows:

comment out or delete, obsolete
comment out or delete, no longer needed
good, and it matches my earlier explanation

good too, if that is the port mentioned in the AJP Connector of your Tomcat's server.xml file. (It is, I just peeked below..)

that needs to be localhost instead of webber (cause your Tomcat runs on the same machine, right ?). Unless your machine knows itself as "webber" of course.

that's good, and it's always like that.  That line never changes.

This is a simple file from the tutorial.

The jkmount directives in httpd-conf... I followed the tutorial to use
the auto config, so in httpd.conf I have the following:

Include /usr/lib/apache-tomcat/conf/auto/mod_jk.conf

The contents of mod_jk.conf is as follows:

########## Auto generated on Wed Jan 28 15:05:37 EST 2009##########

<IfModule !mod_jk.c>
  LoadModule jk_module
That tells Apache where to find the mod_jk module. And it is a recent version too.

JkWorkersFile "/usr/lib/apache-tomcat/conf/jk/workers.properties"
that's the "workers.properties" both Gregor and I were talking about then, good too.

JkLogFile "/usr/lib/apache-tomcat/logs/mod_jk.log"
That's where you will find a log of any errors encountered by mod_jk

JkLogLevel emerg
You could set this to "info" to get a better idea of what mod_jk is doing. Even to "debug" if you are really curious.

I do not have a directory /etc/apache2/mods-available nor can I find the
files jk.conf and jk.load

there is also no directory /etc/apache2/mods-enabled
That's ok, each Linux distribution has some fun putting files in some other place. Keeps the world interesting and sysadmins from getting bored.

my connector definition from ${CATALINA_HOME}/conf/server.xml is:

<Connector port="8009" protocol="AJP/1.3" redirectPort="8443" />

Very good. That is thus where Tomcat will be listening for request coming from Apache through the mod_jk module, as I mentioned before.

Again, all this was created and configured according to the

You did a pretty good job too. I suspect only the "webber" part is wrong, and maybe your "JkMount" are missing in Apache.


On Wed, 2009-01-28 at 20:54 +0100, Gregor Schneider wrote:
If you want people to help you, it's a good idea to post

- workers.properties (should be in /etc/apache2)

- your jkmount-directives (should be in the httpd-conf-file of your domain)

Not knowing CentOS, therefore just a shot from the hip:

- do you have a directory /etc/apache2/mods-available?

If so, are there two file jk.conf and jk.load?

Can you post your jk.conf?

- do you have a directory /etc/apache2/mods-enabled?

If so, do you also find there symbolic links pointing to
/etc/apache2/mods-available/jk.load and

In ${CATALINA_HOME}/conf/server.xml, have you specified a connector
for AJP/1.3? Should look similar to

    <Connector port="8009"
               enableLookups="false" redirectPort="8443"
protocol="AJP/1.3" address=""/>

Can you post your connector-definition?



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