Let's be frugal and use just 2 "instances of a webapp".
How do you run "2 instances of a webapp"?
You must deploy them.  How do you do that?
You drop a war file for each into webapps.
Whoa!   Did you "drop 2 copies of myapp.war into webapps"?
You can't do that. If they are both named myapp.war, when you drop in the 2nd one, it overwrites the first. Ok. So you name them myapp1.war and myapp2.war, and drop them both in webapps. Cool. In one sense they both look like the same webapp, but they are different entities from Tomcat's point of view. So if you use the manager to stop myapp1, nothing will happens to myapp2 -- it is totally physically distinct from myapp1.

Ergo Watson, we've solved the morning star/evening star paradox.


On Mar 11, 2009, at 10:39 AM, André Warnier wrote:

Caldarale, Charles R wrote:
From: André Warnier [mailto:a...@ice-sa.com] Subject: Re: Tomcat for Dummies

If I am not abusing, how does it do that, schematically ?
I presume it has a more direct way than to itself isue a HTTP request to the Manager webapp with the appropriate
parameters ?
No, the HTTP request would be the simplest approach. There's likely a JMX call that could be done, but it would be more work. Certainly there are internal APIs that could be used, but those are subject to change at any time, and are normally not available to regular webapps.
And if it asks to undeploy itself, is it not like pulling the carpet from under its own feet ? I mean, this webapp is running, and even after asking the Manager to undeploy itself (meaning its whole shebang of classes and libs will be erased from the disk), it should be able to still stop itself cleanly.
That should be handled by a ServletContextListener declared in WEB- INF/web.xml, which will be invoked before the deletion of the webapp's files.
More seriously thus, there seems to be a problem with this logic :
Suppose we have a case where 5 instances of this webapp are currently running, and one of them issues a request to the Manager, to undeploy itself. The Manager would then oblige, and start undeploying the webapp. The ServletContextListener in each of the running webapp instances would be called, before the Manager does anything drastic. Presumably then each ServletContextListener instance would have to take some action to force the corresponding webapp instance to stop and cleanup its act, and also presumably the Manager would wait for each of these instances to return some form of OK, before it proceeds with erasing the webapps files.
But is that really what happens ?
I feel somewhat uncomfortable with the above scheme, more out of a gut feeling than anything else. Am I wrong ?

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