Christopher Schultz wrote:
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On 3/16/2009 11:53 AM, André Warnier wrote:
As far as I understand the HTTP specs, something like
request.setCharacterEncoding() should only be used (with a charset
different from iso-8859-1) when a request comes in without a charset
specification (which also indicates a broken client).

This is my interpretation of the spec.

This is my implementation of a fix:

I already found that one, and it is a fix.
But it's a miserable one in the wider context of a multilingual WWW.
The real fix would be HTTP 1.2, specifying once and for all that the default encoding for query parameters is Unicode/UTF-8 + percent-encoding when needed (as far as I can think, only when appended to the URL). Since Unicode/UTF-8 can represent all characters known to man and more, I fail to understand why the powers-that-be did not reach that conclusion several years ago already.

As you yourself mention in another post, these issues occupy a significant portion of the bandwidth of anything to do with the WWW, and probably cause the annual loss of thousands of work hours. This being an English-speaking list, I also assume that whatever time is seen here being spent discussing it, is only a biased view of the overall situation.

Since the Apache CON Europe is upcoming, and since I'm planning to attend, I wonder if a bit of stirring up matters there would help.

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