André Warnier wrote:
> Christopher Schultz wrote:
>> Quick question: multipart/form-data is typically used for file upload...
>> why not use application/x-www-form-urlencoded instead? I realize the
>> problem is that certain browsers do not send the proper charset in the
>> Content-Type, but I'd like to understand your affinity for
>> multipart/form-data.
> This :
> See the note in green at the end of 17.13.1 Form submission method.
> Plus, the fact that our applications (area : document management) very
> often do offer the possibility to upload a file from within forms.
> Plus, the fact that the same applications often do offer the possibility
> to submit very large non-USASCII text fields.
> Plus, the fact that most of my activity relates to users who are not
> mainly English-speaking and do not use a US keyboard to fill-in web forms.
> Plus, the fact that having seen HTTP/HTML being born, I remember the
> time when URL's were typically limited in size, in a manner inconsistent
> between platforms. That might still be the case.
> Somewhat abusively I admit, I took an early aversion to
> application/x-www-form-urlencoded, as synonymous to GET, to non-capable
> of anything but US-ASCII (ok, iso-8859-1 at a stretch, but see the above
> green note) and to "nobody agrees as to the proper percent encoding and
> at what moment it should take place or not".
> The multipart/form-data encoding does not have all of these
> connotations, and should be a foolproof way for a browser to send data
> to a server without any size limit or charset ambiguity.
> It is therefore a big surprise and big disappointment to see that
> browser developers do not take advantage of this, for some reason I have
> trouble to fathom (because it's there, it is well-defined, it is easy to
> do, and it would save a lot of problems).
> It is also a big disappointment to see (you are right, I checked) that
> the Servlet Spec does not foresee a simple method to get the parameter
> values if they are posted via the multipart/form-data encoding method.
> That is probably because for 10 years or so, I have been using this
> under Apache and perl without any problems at all : I just use the
> equivalent of GetParameter() there, without having to worry a jot about
> the request encoding; and why should I have to ?
> Read the body myself and parsing it ? in 2009 ?
> Now come on, I am sure that there must exist some standard Java library
> usable in a servlet context, and which does that, no ?

Does the Servlet Spec define the default value of the request encoding,
or is this a Tomcat feature?  If the latter, it would be a reasonable
candidate for a Connector parameter, perhaps.


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