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On 3/16/2009 6:59 PM, André Warnier wrote:
> The real fix would be HTTP 1.2, specifying once and for all that the
> default encoding for query parameters is Unicode/UTF-8

Yes. Given that HTTP/1.1 clients should include Content-Type yet don't,
how long do you think adoption of HTTP/1.2 will take? ;)

> I fail to understand why the powers-that-be did not reach that
> conclusion several years ago already.

Because it was the swingin' '90s, baby! Honestly, I'm very surprised
that CERN, being located in a country with so many languages, was
content to stick with ISO-8859-1.

> This being an English-speaking list, I also assume that whatever time is
> seen here being spent discussing it, is only a biased view of the
> overall situation.

Yup. I can tell you that in the US, non-ASCII characters are usually an
afterthought. I've seen many sites that don't accept (or don't properly
handle) anything but [a-zA-Z0-9]. :(

> Since the Apache CON Europe is upcoming, and since I'm planning to
> attend, I wonder if a bit of stirring up matters there would help.

Go to MozillaCON or OperaCON or something. Drop a huge metal W3C on
Microsoft's front lawn
(http://home.snafu.de/tilman/mozilla/stomps.html). /That's/ where you
need to complain; it's the browsers that are very conservative, which
makes sense given that it will take a while for everyone on the planet
to upgrade to HTTP/1.2-compatible server software.

- -chris
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