CutKiller wrote:
> If I raise the timeout value in the firewall parameters the connection
> problem was solved.... but i don't have permissions to do that in real
> environment.
> The connections are dead, but this connections stays in tomcat pool with no
> problems. Tomcat, in a perfect scenario, should recognize the loss of
> connection, and create a new one.
> I need this connections anytime.
Right and it would recognize dead connections if validationQuery is
provided on the connection pool.  The pool will execute the validation
query before handing your webapp the connection, dropping and creating a
new connection as necessary.   Your problem smells like you are getting
a connection from the pool and keeping around a long time without
returning it to the pool.  Doing that effectively circumvents the pool's
ability to validate connections.

Posting details of your setup would be helpful including the <Resource
... /> tag that configures your pool and relevant code where things are


> David Smith-2 wrote:
>> CutKiller wrote:
>>> Hi all I have this scenario: 
>>> |Tomcat| -> |Firewall| -> |Database| 
>>> Sometimes the connection to the database is lost. The cause of this fact
>>> maybe lives in the Firewall. But, the major problem, resides in Tomcat.
>>> He
>>> doesn't recognize the connection break. What can i do, for Tomcat knows
>>> when
>>> the connections break? 
>>> Best Regards, 
>>> Rodrigo
>> Can you provide a bit more context for when/how you use connections and
>> how you expect tomcat to recognize when connections break?  In general
>> webapp code retrieves a connection, does it's business and then closes
>> the connection to return it to the pool in the smallest reasonable space
>> .. the whole cycle done and over with by the time your webapp is
>> finished with the current request if not sooner.
>> --David
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David Smith
College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
Cornell University
B32 Morrison Hall
Ithaca, NY 14853
Phone: (607) 255-4334

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