Any indication in the logs of what's happening around the time you get a
bad connection?  Seems weird to me that the validation query isn't working.


CutKiller wrote:
> Tnks David.
> But the validationQuery was set at the Resources Tags.
> <Context path="/testAdmin" docBase="testAdmin"
>       debug="0" reloadable="true" crossContext="true">
>       <Resource name="jdbc/sp360_main_v2" auth="Container"
>               type="javax.sql.DataSource" maxActive="100" maxIdle="30"
>               maxWait="10000" removeAbandoned="true" 
> removeAbandonedTimeout="1800"
>               logAbandoned="true" username="mqa" password="1nspector"
>               driverClassName="oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver"
>               url="jdbc:oracle:thin:xxx/xxxxx@//"
>               validationQuery="select 1 from dual" 
>               testWhileIdle="true"
>         timeBetweenEvictionRunsMillis="60000"/>
> </Context>
> David Smith-2 wrote:
>> CutKiller wrote:
>>> If I raise the timeout value in the firewall parameters the connection
>>> problem was solved.... but i don't have permissions to do that in real
>>> environment.
>>> The connections are dead, but this connections stays in tomcat pool with
>>> no
>>> problems. Tomcat, in a perfect scenario, should recognize the loss of
>>> connection, and create a new one.
>>> I need this connections anytime.
>> Right and it would recognize dead connections if validationQuery is
>> provided on the connection pool.  The pool will execute the validation
>> query before handing your webapp the connection, dropping and creating a
>> new connection as necessary.   Your problem smells like you are getting
>> a connection from the pool and keeping around a long time without
>> returning it to the pool.  Doing that effectively circumvents the pool's
>> ability to validate connections.
>> Posting details of your setup would be helpful including the <Resource
>> ... /> tag that configures your pool and relevant code where things are
>> breaking.
>> --David
>>> David Smith-2 wrote:
>>>> CutKiller wrote:
>>>>> Hi all I have this scenario: 
>>>>> |Tomcat| -> |Firewall| -> |Database| 
>>>>> Sometimes the connection to the database is lost. The cause of this
>>>>> fact
>>>>> maybe lives in the Firewall. But, the major problem, resides in Tomcat.
>>>>> He
>>>>> doesn't recognize the connection break. What can i do, for Tomcat knows
>>>>> when
>>>>> the connections break? 
>>>>> Best Regards, 
>>>>> Rodrigo
>>>> Can you provide a bit more context for when/how you use connections and
>>>> how you expect tomcat to recognize when connections break?  In general
>>>> webapp code retrieves a connection, does it's business and then closes
>>>> the connection to return it to the pool in the smallest reasonable space
>>>> .. the whole cycle done and over with by the time your webapp is
>>>> finished with the current request if not sooner.
>>>> --David

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