Hi Jon,

----- Original Message ----
> From: "jo...@catholic-doc.org" <jo...@catholic-doc.org>
> To: users@tomcat.apache.org
> Sent: Monday, March 30, 2009 11:45:37 AM
> Subject: Slow servlet response under WinXP Pro
> Hello!
> I am working on a servlet application.  It is a data entry application 
> that reads data from a Navision database, and writes data to MySQL.  Here 
> is the setup:
> WinXP Pro with Service Pack 3 (dev. box) / Windows 2003 Server (prod. box)
> Apache 2.2.11
> Tomcat 6.0.18
> MySQL 5.1.30
> MySQL Connector 5.1.7
> Driver for MySQL:  org.gjt.mm.mysql.Driver

Looking at the source for the connector, you might as well use the 
since the org.gjt.mm.mysql.Driver just extends the com.mysql.jdbc.Driver.  I 
reading somewhere that org.gjt.mm.mysql.Driver is for backward compatibility 
for older apps.
It will be phased out eventually.  You're recommended to use 
com.mysql.jdbc.Driver for
new application development.

> Driver for Navision: sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver
> There is no native JDBC driver for Navision, so I have to use the ODBC 
> version.
> I am having a problem with the time it takes to display a screen, when 
> there is database activity going on.  It can take anywhere from 30 seconds 
> to 90 seconds for the screen to appear.  This is not the time it takes 
> Tomcat to start up for the first time, it is long after that point.
> I think I may have found the problem, but I do not know how to fix it. All 
> of our systems (including the production server) have Symantec virus 
> software running.  When I turn the virus checking off, the application 
> runs very well, when I turn the virus checking on, I experience the slow 
> screen display.

From what you describe, this problem doesn't seem to be Tomcat related
since I use Win03 w/ Symantec Anti-Virus along with 3rd party firewall software.
Also, the Win03 is configured as a Domain Controller. I don't have this slow 
response you're reporting.  Your performance issue may lie with:

1) Fragmentation of your partition, especially the partition where the DB 
resides2) Size of your database
3) Configuration of MySQL 
4) Query is optimized (?)
5) Sufficient hardware to handle the DB size (?)


> I googled for conflicts of Tomcat with virus scanning software, and only 
> found reference to the fact that it can cause performance problems.  But, 
> I could not find a solution, other than turning off the virus scanning. 
> Does anyone know of a solution to this problem?  I have been told that 
> turning off the virus scanning on the production box is not an option.  I 
> have also been told that Linux is not an option. 
> I have gone through the Symantec software, and can not find a way to 
> exclude Tomcat, etc. from its process.  Where do I go from here?
> Thanks,
> Jon Oman

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