Can you not use these instructions to exclude the directories in question



On Mon, Mar 30, 2009 at 9:23 PM, Tommy Pham <> wrote:

> Hi Jon,
> ----- Original Message ----
> > From: "" <>
> > To:
> > Sent: Monday, March 30, 2009 11:45:37 AM
> > Subject: Slow servlet response under WinXP Pro
> >
> > Hello!
> >
> > I am working on a servlet application.  It is a data entry application
> > that reads data from a Navision database, and writes data to MySQL.  Here
> > is the setup:
> >
> > WinXP Pro with Service Pack 3 (dev. box) / Windows 2003 Server (prod.
> box)
> > Apache 2.2.11
> > Tomcat 6.0.18
> > MySQL 5.1.30
> > MySQL Connector 5.1.7
> >
> > Driver for MySQL:
> Looking at the source for the connector, you might as well use the
> com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
> since the just extends the com.mysql.jdbc.Driver.
> I remember
> reading somewhere that is for backward
> compatibility for older apps.
> It will be phased out eventually.  You're recommended to use
> com.mysql.jdbc.Driver for
> new application development.
> > Driver for Navision: sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver
> >
> > There is no native JDBC driver for Navision, so I have to use the ODBC
> > version.
> >
> > I am having a problem with the time it takes to display a screen, when
> > there is database activity going on.  It can take anywhere from 30
> seconds
> > to 90 seconds for the screen to appear.  This is not the time it takes
> > Tomcat to start up for the first time, it is long after that point.
> >
> > I think I may have found the problem, but I do not know how to fix it.
> All
> > of our systems (including the production server) have Symantec virus
> > software running.  When I turn the virus checking off, the application
> > runs very well, when I turn the virus checking on, I experience the slow
> > screen display.
> From what you describe, this problem doesn't seem to be Tomcat related
> since I use Win03 w/ Symantec Anti-Virus along with 3rd party firewall
> software.
> Also, the Win03 is configured as a Domain Controller. I don't have this
> slow
> response you're reporting.  Your performance issue may lie with:
> 1) Fragmentation of your partition, especially the partition where the DB
> resides2) Size of your database
> 3) Configuration of MySQL
> 4) Query is optimized (?)
> 5) Sufficient hardware to handle the DB size (?)
> Regards,
> Tommy
> > I googled for conflicts of Tomcat with virus scanning software, and only
> > found reference to the fact that it can cause performance problems.  But,
> > I could not find a solution, other than turning off the virus scanning.
> > Does anyone know of a solution to this problem?  I have been told that
> > turning off the virus scanning on the production box is not an option.  I
> > have also been told that Linux is not an option.
> >
> > I have gone through the Symantec software, and can not find a way to
> > exclude Tomcat, etc. from its process.  Where do I go from here?
> >
> > Thanks,
> >
> > Jon Oman
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