> From: Gregor Schneider [mailto:rc4...@googlemail.com]
> On Wed, Apr 1, 2009 at 4:22 PM, Peter Crowther
> <peter.crowt...@melandra.com> wrote:
> >
> > And, indeed, that Apache + mod_security + mod_jk + Tomcat
> has fewer vulnerabilities than just Tomcat.
> >
> Since I'm interested on hard data, too, hand over the facts, please.

Quite.  If you look at the full original quote...

-- snip --
> From: fredk2 [mailto:fre...@gmail.com]
> (assuming you do not use a WAF firewall).

And, indeed, that Apache + mod_security + mod_jk + Tomcat has fewer 
vulnerabilities than just Tomcat.
-- snip --

... I was re-using the "assuming" from the previous poster's brackets.  Sorry - 
I should have made that more explicit.  Here's the re-stated version:

And, indeed, *assuming* that Apache + mod_security + mod_jk + Tomcat has fewer 
vulnerabilities than just Tomcat.

I'd also be very interested to see the evidence (either way) on that.

                - Peter

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