
On Wed, Apr 1, 2009 at 4:58 PM, Peter Crowther
<> wrote:

> And, indeed, *assuming* that Apache + mod_security + mod_jk + Tomcat has 
> fewer vulnerabilities than just Tomcat.
> I'd also be very interested to see the evidence (either way) on that.
See, I believe in the statement that the more components you're adding
to an environment, the more possibilities there are for a
security-hole. However, to believe is not to know...

However, when I check full-disclosure and other security-lists, I see
few issues referring to Tomcat, but I see quite some issues referring
to HTTPD and it's modules.

I guess if you're once able to break HTTPD and found your way into the
box, harm is on it's way. I further /believe/ that from this point it
makes sense to use as few components as possible.

Anyhow, that's what I believe, not what I know.


just because your paranoid, doesn't mean they're not after you...
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