Caldarale, Charles R wrote:
From: Dan Armbrust []
Subject: Re: How to debug Error: listenerStart?

There is obviously some interaction going on between my webapp
and tomcat's logging system that I don't know about.

Many Tomcat components associated with a specific webapp will use the webapp's 
logger.  If your log4j initialization fails (which appeared to be the case), 
there may well be no where to put the messages.  You can try removing the log4j 
usage from your webapp (probably too hard), or correct its initialization so 
that it is available.

This is a bit, but not entirely, off-topic.
I suspect that I am going to attract (again) a lot of flak for writing this, but I will say (again) that I think the whole current concept of Tomcat logging has a problem, as a number of recent postings to this list (and many non-recent) demonstrate (again).

Being able to specify, at the webapp level, which logging system it uses is great from an application developers point of view, but a nightmare from a system integrator's or administrator's point of view.

The point being that if one has a until-now working Tomcat server, logging where and how the sysadmin decided it should, so that for example it would be possible to implement some system-wide technique to deal with accumulating logfiles, archive them, watch them.., and then comes this new webapp delivered as a war-file. It gets deployed, and starts logging wherever and however it pretty well pleases. Or not, depending on whether its own setup misses something.

I believe that there should at least exist, at the very top Tomcat level, some configuration option that could say "now, whatever all these geeks have defined in their applications in terms of logging, I want to collect all that output /here/, and no exceptions please." In the principle, that is the same kind of thing as Tomcat's (or Java's) security manager : it is possible at the top configuration level to block applications from accessing what they should not, and give them rights selectively to whatever is legitimate.

I don't think that the current logging implementation allows this, or am I missing something again ?

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