The URL http://myserver/Construction/ (with trailing slash) yields the same 
results as http://myserver/Construction (without trailing slash).

I think I may have solved the problem.  I didn't write this webapp, but have 
inherited it so I'm still learning it's inner workings.

The controller servlet is using three 

rd = req.getRequestDispatcher("something.jsp");

blocks (with essentially header, main content, and footer .jsp files) to 
assemble the final output page.  Initially there was no req.setContentType() at 
all.  Once I added req.setContentType("text/html") it appears to have resolved 
the problem.


I've used rd.forward() and don't think I ever had to use setContentType(), but 
have never used rd.include() in my own webapps.  I guess since include() adds 
only a portion of a page, you have to treat the whole deal more like a servlet 
and explicitly set the content-type.

Thanks for the help.


Pid wrote:
> David Rush wrote:
>> Pid:
>> Yes, I've removed the explicit mapping.
>> "Sometimes" because when I use the URL http://myserver:8080/Construction 
>> (direct to Tomcat listening port) it works fine (HTML is rendered).
>> When I use http://myserver/Construction (via reverse proxy forwarding 
>> through Apache httpd) it fails (I get HTML markup in the browser window).
> What about "http://myserver/Construction/"; (note extra slash)
>> When I use http://myserver/Construction/index.html (where index.html is 
>> mapped in web.xml to a controller servlet and index.html is my sole 
>> welcome-file) it works fine.
>> I'm not using AJP.  I'm just using straight reverse-proxy style HTTP 
>> forwarding with mod_proxy, with this snippet from my httpd.conf file:
> (Sorry, I spotted that after I'd sent the reply.)
>> ...
>> ProxyPass        /Construction http://localhost:8080/Construction
>> ProxyPassReverse /Construction http://localhost:8080/Construction
>> ...
>> My Apache httpd docroot has always been separate and distinct from my Tomcat 
>> webapps directory.
> Looking at your headers again, I see that Tomcat is trying to serve the
> result as plain html.  What happens if you use "index.jsp" as the sole
> welcome file (and map that to the controller, obviously)?
> Check "index.jsp" is included in the DirectoryIndex in HTTPD.
> p
>> David
>> Pid wrote:
>>> David Rush wrote:
>>>> I checked my web.xml, and found no mime-mapping elements at all.  I tried 
>>>> adding one explicitly mapping the jsp extension to text/html, but it had 
>>>> no effect.  I'm still getting HTML markup in the browser window with 
>>>> Firefox.
>>>> David
>>> Ignore that, it's a red herring, you don't need to add mime-mappings.
>>> You say the problem occurs 'sometimes' with Firefox, can you elaborate
>>> on which times and if there's a commonality between these requests?
>>> The fault is usually in the AJP mapping you've configured.  Are you
>>> using mod_jk, and if so, what is the config?
>>> Also, try splitting your HTTP docroot and Tomcat webapps folders (a
>>> correct mapping will mean it still works properly).  If the JSPs are in
>>> another location than the HTTP docs, they can't be served as raw HTML,
>>> by accident.
>>> p
>>>> Martin Gainty wrote:
>>>>> David
>>>>> did you check your mime-mapping in your web.xml 
>>>>> perchance are you mapping jsp to text/plain?
>>>>> is any other extension mapped to text/plain?
>>>>>     <mime-mapping>
>>>>>         <extension>jsp</extension>
>>>>>         <mime-type>text/plain</mime-type>
>>>>>     </mime-mapping>
>>>>> Martin 
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>>>>>> Date: Sat, 25 Apr 2009 05:46:03 -0600
>>>>>> From:
>>>>>> To:
>>>>>> Subject: Re: Browser shows source of .jsp file. Why?
>>>>>> I'm having the same problem, where markup is sometimes appearing in the 
>>>>>> browser window instead of the rendered HTML.
>>>>>> I'm using my own server (MS Windows Server 2003), with Tomcat 6.0.18 
>>>>>> behind a reverse proxy on Apache 2.2.11.
>>>>>> When I access one of my webapps via Tomcat's port 
>>>>>> (http://myserver:8080/Construction/) it works fine.  When I access it 
>>>>>> via the reverse proxy (http://myserver/Construction) using Firefox 3.0.9 
>>>>>> I see the HTML markup displayed in the browser's window.  When I access 
>>>>>> the webapp via IE either way, it works fine.  Google Chrome produces the 
>>>>>> same results as Firefox.
>>>>>> Via Live HTTP Headers, when I access through the reverse proxy I see:
>>>>>> HTTP/1.x 200 OK
>>>>>> Date: Sat, 25 Apr 2009 11:39:11 GMT
>>>>>> Server: Apache-Coyote/1.1
>>>>>> Keep-Alive: timeout=5, max=100
>>>>>> Connection: Keep-Alive
>>>>>> Transfer-Encoding: chunked
>>>>>> Content-Type: text/plain
>>>>>> I suspect the "Content-Type: text/plain" is a clue.  Straight to Tomcat 
>>>>>> I see:
>>>>>> HTTP/1.x 200 OK
>>>>>> Server: Apache-Coyote/1.1
>>>>>> Set-Cookie: JSESSIONID=53C3EC973BB365AAF92A1EC66F03271A; 
>>>>>> Path=/Construction
>>>>>> Transfer-Encoding: chunked
>>>>>> Date: Sat, 25 Apr 2009 11:37:06 GMT
>>>>>> No "Content-Type" produced at all.
>>>>>> When I access it with Firefox via the Apache reverse proxy via the URL 
>>>>>> http://myserver/Construction/index.html (which is just mapped in web.xml 
>>>>>> to the controlling servlet, and my welcome-file is index.html), the 
>>>>>> webapp displays correctly, and the headers say:
>>>>>> HTTP/1.x 200 OK
>>>>>> Date: Sat, 25 Apr 2009 11:42:27 GMT
>>>>>> Server: Apache-Coyote/1.1
>>>>>> Keep-Alive: timeout=5, max=100
>>>>>> Connection: Keep-Alive
>>>>>> Transfer-Encoding: chunked
>>>>>> Content-Type: text/html
>>>>>> I have 3 different webapps, but I only see the problem with one of them.
>>>>>> My reverse proxy configuration includes:
>>>>>> ProxyPass        /Construction http://localhost:8080/Construction
>>>>>> ProxyPassReverse /Construction http://localhost:8080/Construction
>>>>>> David
>>>>>> dfobox wrote:
>>>>>>> I have JSP-based website running on my own server and I want to move it 
>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>> hosting company. I've copied the files, they said they have enabled 
>>>>>>> Tomcat
>>>>>>> for me, but browser shows source of the pages, even of those which don't
>>>>>>> have any script code inside - only properly formatted html. What could 
>>>>>>> be a
>>>>>>> problem? Thanks!
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