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On 5/14/2009 4:14 PM, Michael A. Repucci wrote:
> Yes. That changed nothing. Still no catalina.out, still no ourapp.log.

Sorry for the barrage of questions, but the answers will help us figure
out what's going on:

Can you tell us how you start Tomcat?
Are you sure that it's running when no log files are generated?
What is the euid of the running Tomcat process?
Where /is/ Tomcat's log directory (you may have to read the script that
you use to start Tomcat to figure out what that is)?
What are the file permissions on Tomcat's log directory?
What are the file permissions of the log files themselves (if the files
still exist)?
What JVM are you using (try running "java -version")?
What version of Tomcat are you using?

I don't want to start a flame war, but you'll catch more flies with
honey: saying that TC is a crappy piece of software is "not recommended
technique" when asking for help from this list.

As for your colleagues' code not running, I suspect it's something
simple like a required database library not being installed into Tomcat
(which is required, depending on how they have arranged everything).

Once error messages return, you are welcome to report the errors you get
from their application and we'll do what we can to help.

- -chris
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