Caldarale, Charles R wrote:
>> From: []
>> Subject: Re: tomcat no longer writing to log files
>> Then when I reinstalled, Tomcat didn't get reinstalled under 
>> /etc nor /etc/init.d, and it didn't get started automatically
>> as it had before.
> It wasn't clear to me whether you used a repackaged Tomcat this time, or 
> downloaded a real one from  If the latter, the scripts are 
> in Tomcat's bin directory, under the names and  If 
> you used a 3rd-party repackaged version, there's no telling where they might 
> be.
>  - Chuck

Actually it seemed clear to me the OP used a package installer as the
original tomcat download doesn't have anything to place files in /etc
automatically (at least not that I've ever seen).  I think the OP should
have used the operating system's install/uninstall tool to remove the
package instead of just deleting files.  It also sounds to me the
reinstall failed in some manner, maybe silently.

To Michael:

I would use the system control panel stuff included with your OS to
uninstall the tomcat package, then go back in and re-install it.  If the
re-install doesn't work, check the logs related to package maintenance
(maybe syslog?) and ask on a email list for your OS how to
remove/reinstall a damaged package. 

Or you could just uninstall it, download tomcat from
and install it.  Installation is super easy -- just unarchive it using
the appropriate unzip/untar program, cd to tomcat's bin directory and
run  Once you get it running, then go ahead and modify files
like server.xml and tomcat-users.xml to taste as well as add/remove
webapps in the webapps directory.  It won't start automatically this
way, but at least you'll have something working.


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