
Personally - I would do the following:

Make all calls to the servlet and the servlet does this:

1) Sanity check the incoming path
2) Check for the existence of the image (using ServletContext.getResource(path)
3) If not exists - load the image from the db and store to disk
4) forward to image via request.getRequestDispatcher(path).forward(request, response)

The above assumes the image cache directory is part of the webapp and visible to ServletContext.getResource

If the image cache directory lives outside the webapp - then I amazed that the default servlet was ever working. In which case - you can use a symlink.

If you are stuck on windows or all the above still doesn't work - then you can still do this:

0) In apache - you can map the image cache dir to some location - or have tomcat do that too in its own webapp
1) Sanity check the incoming path
2) Check for the existence of the image using a filesystem call
3) If not exists - load the image from the db and store to disk
4) redirect to the static image path


Lyallex wrote:

I'll try to explain in as few words as possible.

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