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On 6/10/2009 1:10 PM, Lyallex wrote:
> <img src="ImageProxy?<%=WebConstants.IMAGE_ID%>=<%=p.calculateImageId()%>...
> etc '/>
> This gets the image from the database and displays it in the page.
> This is clunky and slow and the image is not cached by the browser

You might want to set some caching headers, etc. if you want the browser
to cache the image. You'll have the same problem with locally-cached
files if you don't do this (DefaultServlet, which it sounds like you're
using, probably sets these headers appropriately).

> Anyway, I'm currently looking at the serveResource() method in the
> DefaultServlet...

Multiple posts to this list seem to contradict Hassan's assertion that
this should work: the DefaultServlet appears to ignore files that are
created post deployment (or at least, post directory-read). This is
either due to the servlet itself or the (IIRC) JNDI context used by the
DefaultServlet to read the files.

I would recommend serving the bytes using your own servlet rather than
the DefaultServlet. That way, you free yourself from these apparent
directory-caching issues, plus you can (more) easily move your image
cache out of your deployment directory (if you care).

- -chris
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