the inherent problem with multi-threaded model vs prefork n processes

rule seems to be more than 1 CPU go with worker
1 CPU go with MPM


once you set your path on Worker all modules and all binaries under Apache have 
to be multi-threaded



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> Date: Fri, 17 Jul 2009 21:17:51 -0400
> From:
> To:
> Subject: [OT] Apache httpd prefork versus worker MPM
> Hash: SHA1
> All,
> I've been working with Apache httpd and Tomcat together with mod_jk for
> about 10 years, and I've always been using the prefork MPM. I'm setting
> up a new development server with Debian Lenny and apt-get prefers to
> install the worker MPM. I can definitely install the prefork MPM if I
> want, but I figured I'd take this opportunity to ask about the worker MPM.
> Has anyone had any configuration problems when using the worker MPM? Any
> performance problems? The worker MPM is advertised as "high-performance"
> and I was wondering if it would be a PITA to use or anything like that.
> If the worker MPM really is higher performance, I'd prefer to use that,
> but only if there are no big gotchas that anyone can think of.
> I'd appreciate some feedback from folks that have used both the prefork
> and worker MPMs at one point, and might be able to comment on their
> different experiences.
> Thanks,
> - -chris
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