James Abley wrote:
> mgainty wrote:
>> the inherent problem with multi-threaded model vs prefork n processes
>> http://blog.zakame.net/tips/apache2-worker-lowmem
>> http://www.experts-exchange.com/Software/Server_Software/Web_Servers/Apache/Q_24192924.html
>> rule seems to be more than 1 CPU go with worker
>> 1 CPU go with MPM
>> once you set your path on Worker all modules and all binaries under
>> Apache have to be multi-threaded
>> Martin  
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>>> Date: Fri, 17 Jul 2009 21:17:51 -0400
>>> From: ch...@christopherschultz.net
>>> To: users@tomcat.apache.org
>>> Subject: [OT] Apache httpd prefork versus worker MPM
>>> Hash: SHA1
>>> All,
>>> I've been working with Apache httpd and Tomcat together with mod_jk for
>>> about 10 years, and I've always been using the prefork MPM. I'm setting
>>> up a new development server with Debian Lenny and apt-get prefers to
>>> install the worker MPM. I can definitely install the prefork MPM if I
>>> want, but I figured I'd take this opportunity to ask about the worker
>>> MPM.
>>> Has anyone had any configuration problems when using the worker MPM? Any
>>> performance problems? The worker MPM is advertised as "high-performance"
>>> and I was wondering if it would be a PITA to use or anything like that.
>>> If the worker MPM really is higher performance, I'd prefer to use that,
>>> but only if there are no big gotchas that anyone can think of.
>>> I'd appreciate some feedback from folks that have used both the prefork
>>> and worker MPMs at one point, and might be able to comment on their
>>> different experiences.
>>> Thanks,
>>> - -chris
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> My reading of it, which someone else on this list might be able to
> confirm, is that using mod_jk with worker MPM can potentially give lower
> memory usage on the machine.
> e.g.
> with 
> <IfModule prefork.c>
> StartServers       8
> MinSpareServers    5
> MaxSpareServers   20
> ServerLimit      256
> MaxClients       256
> MaxRequestsPerChild  4000
> </IfModule>
> That will potentially create 256 httpd processes, each consuming 10MB or
> so.
> Alternatively, 
> <IfModule worker.c>
> StartServers         2
> MaxClients         250
> MinSpareThreads     25
> MaxSpareThreads     75 
> ThreadsPerChild     25
> MaxRequestsPerChild  0
> </IfModule>
> That will potentially create 10 httpd processes, each capable of handling
> 25 requests. Assume that each process needs 30MB (I don't think it would,
> but I haven't measured it recently). The reduced memory requirement for
> this configuration might be a very attractive option for some
> environments.
> This assumes that mod_jk is thread-safe and doesn't suffer from the known
> problems with non-thread-safe modules in worker MPM. Can anyone confirm
> that's true?
> Cheers,
> James

Answering my own question; from the docs, it looks like mod_jk is built by
default to be thread-safe, and you need to switch that off using the
--enable-prefork option at build time. [1]

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