Hello Everybody
I have installed Tomcat 6.0.20 using binary tarball in JDK running
CentOS 5,3 x64 Server.

We have tried the following methods to force tomcat to use the Asia/Calcutta
as timezone.

1) Created an environment variable called TZ and assigned it correct

Output of echo $TZ is : Asia/Calcutta.

2) Setting the correct timezone in catalina.sh via JAVA_OPTS="$JAVA_OPTS

3) Our linux server uses Asia/Calcutta as Timezone,
evidence clock command's output is  Sat 10 Oct 2009 01:18:44 PM IST
 -0.502713 seconds

4) We have tried setting IST as timezone in catalina.sh too. but it didn't

5) Java runtime is correctly running in Asia/Calcutta time, as a simple java
program revealed it.

We have certainly not forced to use GMT as timezone in our tomcat webapps
code, as the same code is shared
between multiple servers, In those servers timezone information is being
correctly inherited.

I hope i have provided enough information.
Please help me to resolve this issue else i have to reformat the hard disk.

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