Ugh... tabs said it all.  I didn't take into consideration about them.

On Mon, Oct 12, 2009 at 11:41 AM, Andre-John Mas <> wrote:

> On 12-Oct-2009, at 11:24, Josh Gooding wrote:
>  Well upon clicking "logout" the following occurs:
>> session.removeAttribute("User");
>> session.invalidate();
>> response.sendRedirect("EULA.jsp");
>> If I close the browser window, and reopen it without clicking the logout
>> button, I can still get back into my active session.  How would I
>> invalidate
>> the session upon closing the browser window?
> What browser are you using, and how are you reopening the window? If you
> exit
> your browser the session should be invalidated, though:
>  - Firefox maintains its state if you make it remember the open
> tabs/windows
>  - IE will open a separate application instance only if it is launched via
>    the desktop icon. Selecting 'New Window' form the file menu will simply
>    create a new window in the same instance.
> André
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