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(I've decided to stop cross-posting to commons-user. If you want to
forward come of my comments, you are welcome to do so).

On 10/15/2009 5:07 PM, Bill Davidson wrote:
> I'm a little confused about auto-commit.  I don't want my transactions
> auto-committed.  Sometimes there's a need for a rollback of an entire
> transaction.  To my thinking, auto-commit implies that you don't have
> true transactions.

You can always issue the equivalent of a BEGIN by calling
Connection.setAutoCommit(false) and then, later, Connection.commit() or
Connection.rollback(). The DBCP pool's default mode (which matches the
JDBC spec) is to keep all connections in autoCommit=true mode. When
connections are returned to the pool, Connection.setAutoCommit(true) is
called, which is documented to commit any in-progress transaction (which
is why you'd better not be sloppy with your rollback code: calling
Connection.close() in a pooled environment does /not/ roll-back your
transaction: it commits it!!).

> The transactions in the app are a lot more complex, and a transaction
> can hold onto a connection for quite a while as a user is editing things.

Uh, oh. Are you doing something like this:


(wait for user to make a selection on a screen and re-submit a form)



If you're doing that, then you're probably making a big mistake. Are you
storing connections in sessions or anything like that? Yuk.

> The queries themselves have the same try-catch-finally situation but
> there can be quite a few different calls on that connection for one
> transaction.

Not a problem.

>>But what is the likelihood of "SELECT * FROM foo WHERE foo.id=?"
>>appearing in a transaction?
> Very low.  The scenario I was describing was:
> 1. Thread 1 returns a connection with an uncommitted transaction to the
> pool.

Mistake: see above.

> 2. Thread 2 gets the same connection from the pool and does a query on it

Another mistake: you can't be sure which connection gets handed-out b
the pool. Or, maybe you're just describing a way to get yourself into
the situation you're observing.

> 3. The query from Thread 2, unrelated Thread 1, ends up in cursor limbo
>   because of the uncommitted transaction on the connection.

Unless you have set autoCommit="false" in your DBCP configuration, this
shouldn't happen.

> I don't know that this is happening in the app, and it's going to be very
> difficult to find it if it is.  I don't even know that this scenario
> could cause this cursor limbo.  It's just a hypothesis which is hard to test.

Definitely. A good DBA ought to be able to instrument the server and
watch a connection create these cursors. If that's possible, then have
your DBA do just that while you make a connection, maybe using a special
user id so it's easier to track. Just set up a test bed for your webapp
and then simply use it yourself until you catch a cursor being "lost",
then try to back-track and figure out where it came from, and why it
won't go away.

I'm still interested in what happens if you disable prepared statement

- -chris
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