Bill Davidson wrote:
> Christopher Schultz wrote:
>>When you've played with it for a bit, tell us how things turned out.
> It's looking like optimal is caching about 40 PreparedStatement objects.
> However, I should qualify that noting that it's with our application and
> specifically with our little pummeling benchmark, which requests a specific
> subset of services, and probably isn't even a great test of real world
> traffic.
> It was mainly designed to see how the app handled being heavily stressed
> (like getting hit with 1000 requests at a time).
> The system is still about 3-4% slower with DBCP than with our old pooling
> library.  Our old pooling library did not wrap the Connection objects like
> DBCP does, though it did close old Connection objects so that they only
> got reused for up to two minutes at a time.  I'm actually a little
> surprised by
> this.  I would have expected that to make DBCP faster, since it keeps them
> open.

The current DBCP (actually commons-pool) can struggle under very heavy
load in multi-thread environments. There are plans afoot for a pool 2.0
that will be based on java.util.concurrent that should enable much
better multi-threaded performance.

As always, it is best to check with a profiler to see what is actually
slowing you down.


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