Christopher Schultz wrote:
>When you've played with it for a bit, tell us how things turned out.

It's looking like optimal is caching about 40 PreparedStatement objects.
However, I should qualify that noting that it's with our application and
specifically with our little pummeling benchmark, which requests a specific
subset of services, and probably isn't even a great test of real world traffic.
It was mainly designed to see how the app handled being heavily stressed
(like getting hit with 1000 requests at a time).

The system is still about 3-4% slower with DBCP than with our old pooling
library.  Our old pooling library did not wrap the Connection objects like
DBCP does, though it did close old Connection objects so that they only
got reused for up to two minutes at a time. I'm actually a little surprised by
this.  I would have expected that to make DBCP faster, since it keeps them

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