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On 11/3/2009 3:06 AM, André Warnier wrote:
> You have to look at
> it from the browser's point of view.  When it sees an "incomplete" link,
> it completes it using the protocol and hostname from which the current
> page was obtained, and then it requests that object.

It takes more than just that:

* if the partial URL starts with a /, it uses procotol and hostname as
André suggests

* otherwise, it takes the URL of the current page, trims the right-hand
side of the URL until it hits a /, then appends whatever you have as
your partial URL

>> Can I get more granular?  I'd be happy for a pointer to a good reference
>> on the subject.
> There are probably tons on Google, if you look for "website
> optimi[z,s]ation" or the like.


> Personally, I have found that a very large proportion of websites on the
> WWW are slow because their designers just /don't think/.  If loading
> each page requires 10 or more requests to the server and you fail to
> organise stuff so that it can [not?] be cached by the browser, then you should
> not be surprised that your site feels slow.


Lots of requests = site feels slow. We intentionally limit the amount of
junk we have in our UI so that everything feels snappy. Use CSS
liberally and avoid lots of images. Also, avoid tables that require a
large amount of data to load before the page can be laid-out correctly.

Also remember that many web browsers will not cache anything retrieved
via HTTPS, so you might want to play with some of your headers so things
like CSS files, images, etc. are in fact being cached by your clients.

- -chris
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