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On 11/11/2009 1:43 PM, André Warnier wrote:
> Cae Fernandes wrote:
>> Well,
>> It's not about counting the bytes, but making the connection slower.
>> Like, if I would output only a certain amount of bytes per second, i'd
>> have
>> to output them and make the thread sleep for a certain amount of
>> miliseconds.That's why I mentiojned sleeping threads.
> Yes, but isn't *any* solution, in the end, going to have the same effect ?

Er, yes.

> I mean, suppose that you have a direct connection between Tomcat and the
> client, and that the client is behind a very slow (physical) connection.
> At some point, the webapp is going to want to output something to the
> client, but all buffers will be full waiting for the client to receive
> them, and whatever is sending them will have to wait.
> Whether that wait is a sleep decided at the level of the application, or
> at the level of the OS, is rather immaterial.  The webapp/thread will
> wait anyway.

Correct. But it's a reasonable assumption that the client will be able
to consume more bandwidth than you're trying to target as the limit.
Otherwise, that's not exactly called "limiting" now is it? :)

> The only way to avoid that would be to have, between Tomcat and the
> client, some appliance (software or hardware) which would buffer the
> Tomcat output and send it to the client at the rate it will accept, or
> at the rate that you decide.
> An Apache front-end might be able to do that, if it has some add-on
> module for the purpose.

There are some, mentioned in Cae's original post: mod_curb and
mod_cband. He's prefer a Tomcat-only solution, so we're focusing on that
for now.

- -chris
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