SRama wrote:
Thanks for your reply
I am using binary distribution tomcat and zip format, and also I am starting
through startup.bat file

Ok then, you are not running Tomcat as a service, you are running it from a command window.
That is a good reason why you do not find its name in the services applet.

To install and run tomcat as a service :
In the tomcat/bin directory, there is a script called "service.bat".
Run it.
It will install tomcat as a windows service.
After that you will find it in the "Services" applet.

The other distribution (the exe file) is an automatic installer, which installs Tomcat as a windows service immediately. Unfortunately, it does not contain all the files that the zip version contains, so in my opinion the one you have is better.

awarnier wrote:
SRama wrote:
Hi Guys,
I am using tomcat v6 (binary distribution),
there are two (a zip and an exe). which one did you install ?

tomcat working fine here I would
like to find tomcat service name, When I try to find through taskmanager
ah! you are under Windows.  Good to know.

will not showing anything  related to tomcat but it showing only
java.exe, please let me know how to find corresponding tomcat service name..

Are you running it as a service ? how did you start it ?

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