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On 11/16/2009 1:04 PM, David Balažic wrote:
> 2009/11/16 Joseph Morgan <joseph.mor...@ignitesales.com>:
>> Yes, there is a way, and I suspect you're doing "fire-and-forget"
>> processing, but, could you give us a better idea as to what you are
>> trying to do?
>> Tomcat will handle servlet requests in multiple threads if needed,
>> anyway.  So it may not be necessary.  I'm thinking you might want
>> to investigate a messaging system, such as OpenMQ.
>> BTW:  To create a thread by hand, look at the Java docs for the
>> Thread class and the Runnable interface. Keep in mind, this could
>> get really out of hand if there are a lot of requests and you don't
>> understand how to properly manage threads in this environment.
> Yes, that is why I ask. (I know how to create threads).

I would advise you not to create your own threads. Instead, use a thread
pool and queue your jobs into that. 3rd-party thread pools exist, or you
can use the ones available in Java 1.5+ in the java.util.concurrent
package. You can get started by reading the javadoc for
java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor and going from there.

> So Tomcat has nothing like this in itself? Any trick , shortcut?

Nope: Tomcat does not provide any services like this.

> It will be something triggered like a few times in an hour and would 
> take less than a minute to process, to there should be no overload 
> problems (famous last words...)


That's why I recommend against managing your own threads: if you do it
wrong, you can build a denial-of-service vector into your webapp. Using
a managed thread pool can help save you from shooting yourself in the foot.

Another option would be to queue the job in a database, then run a
completely separate process to go and process them batch-style. This
solution can even process jobs that were queued but not processed before
you took the server down for some reason.

- -chris
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