On 25 Nov 2009, at 13:26, Pid wrote:

> On 25/11/2009 12:13, geoff...@fileflow.com wrote:
>> On 25 Nov 2009, at 12:53, Pid wrote:
>>> On 25/11/2009 11:30, geoff...@fileflow.com wrote:
>>>> On 25 Nov 2009, at 11:10, Pid wrote:
>>>>> On 25/11/2009 08:17, geoff...@fileflow.com
>>>>> <mailto:geoff...@fileflow.com>  wrote:
>>>>>> I changed the size to 4K, 50K and 1 byte without any luck.
>>>>> What about adding a byte counter to catch when the exception occurs?
>>>> It happens totally at random. Sometimes after 200KB sometimes after 250MB
>>> Were you able to compare that amount to the size of the file being sent?
>>> E.g. is it at occuring at unpredictable percentage of file sent.
>> It is totally random. Even on the same file. Sometimes just 1% and other 
>> time almost 95%. I tried with files between 5MB and 285MB. I cannot see any 
>> patterns.
> Is there anything in your application that could cause another thread to 
> access the response object or it's output stream?
> Given that we don't see problems like this with any frequency, I'd have to 
> lean towards there being something in your application code that is causing 
> this.

I don't see anything that could do it. I didn't even know it was possible. It 
is servlets that responds to doGet and, as I understand it, they all have their 
own response. I don't create any threads in the code nor do I use 
"synchronized" (maybe I could try?). Do you have any examples of how to do this?
I also need to mention that it works fine on another server.

>>>>>> On 25 Nov 2009, at 00:28, Pid wrote:
>>>>>>> On 24/11/2009 20:03, Konstantin Kolinko wrote:
>>>>>>>> 2009/11/24<geoff...@fileflow.com<mailto:geoff...@fileflow.com>>:
>>>>>>>>> There is a different amount of data sent each time before it
>>>>>>>>> crashes. I also tried byte by byte and gets the same error but it
>>>>>>>>> seems that it is less often.
>>>>>>>> So it is random... I wonder what can trigger it.
>>>>>>>> What connectors are you using? Is it HTTP, or AJP? What is your
>>>>>>>> configuration as a whole?
>>>>>>>> There was the following bugreport recently:
>>>>>>>> https://issues.apache.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=48105
>>>>>>>> The reporter of issue 48105 wrote that he saw exceptions in 6.0.18,
>>>>>>>> .20 as well, but no stack traces were provided, so it is unconfirmed.
>>>>>>> I don't think we got to the bottom of why that was happening. I was
>>>>>>> hoping the problem would be in the same method, but it's not in
>>>>>>> exactly the same location for both.
>>>>>>> The append(byte[], int, int) method is implicated in both, and in
>>>>>>> both cases an 8k byte buffer was in use in the app code.
>>>>>>> @Geoffrey - can you try using a smaller (say 4k) byte buffer
>>>>>>> instead, and adding some code to count how many bytes have been sent
>>>>>>> when the error occurs?

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