yes I am keeping the all the web-app stuff in place.  I don't have the time
to re-architect my entire system to your suggested format.

I really need to just prevent httpd from accessing anything with "WEB-INF"
in the url.

On Wed, Nov 25, 2009 at 11:21 AM, Pid <> wrote:

> On 25/11/2009 16:13, Jonathan Mast wrote:
>> Can someone please provide the magical httpd config-cantation that will
>> block httpd from accessing anything in WEB-INF directories?
>> I need something that will be apply globally and can't be overridden by
>> VirtualHost directives.  I've dug around the httpd config documentation
>> and
>> I'm just not understanding it, everything I've tried just hasn't worked.
>> thanks
>> httpd 2.2
>> Tomcat 6.0
> At a guess, I'd say you've published, via HTTPD, the web application
> directory.
> This is one of the reasons we advise users not publish webapp directories
> via HTTPD.  Using a separate webapps and document root is advisable.
> E.g.
>  /path/to/
>  /path/to/
>  /path/to/
>  /path/to/
>  /path/to/
>  /path/to/
>  /path/to/
> If this isn't the case, you'll have to supply information about your mod_jk
> / mod_proxy config so we can see what you're doing.
> p
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