check if the linux out of memory kill struck you :)


On 01/11/2010 04:37 PM, Carl wrote:
> This is a new server, a Dell T110 with a Xeon 3440 processor and 4GB memory.  
> I have turned off both the turbo mode and hyperthreading.
> The environment:
> 64 bit Slackware Linux
> java version "1.6.0_17"
> Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_17-b04)
> Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 14.3-b01, mixed mode)
> Tomcat: apache-tomcat-6.0.20
> JAVA_OPTS="-Xms2400m -Xmx2400m -XX:PermSize=512m -XX:MaxPermSize=512m"
> I have watched observed the memory usage and general performance with Java 
> VisualVM and have seen nothing strange.  GC seems to be performing well and 
> the memory rarely gets anywhere near the max.
> The server runs well, idling along at 2-5% load, serving jsp's, etc. at a 
> reasonable speed.  Without warning and with no tracks in any log (Tomcat or 
> system) or to the console, the JVM will just go away, disappear.  Sometimes, 
> the system will run for a week, sometimes for only several hours.  Initially, 
> I thought the problem was the turbo or hyperthreading but, no, the problem 
> persists.
> When the JVM goes away, the memory that it held is still being held (as seen 
> from top) but it is nowhere near the machine physical memory.
> The application has been running on an older server (Dell 600SC, 32 bit 
> Slackware, 2GB memory) for several years and, while the application will 
> throw exceptions now and then, it never crashed the JVM.  This leads me to 
> believe the problem has something to do with the 64 bit JVM but, with errors, 
> I can't be certain and don't know what I can do about it except go back to 32 
> bit.
> I plan to reinstall Java tonight but, it would seem if the JVM were 
> corrupted, it simply would not run.
> Any ideas are welcome.
> TIA,
> Carl

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