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On 2/12/2010 7:20 AM, Carl wrote:
> The 10,000 foot view:  new Dell T105 and T110, Slackware 13.0 (64 bit),
> latest Java (64 bit) and latest Tomcat.  Machines only run Tomcat and a
> small, special purpose Java server (which I have also moved to another
> machine to make certain it wasn't causing any problems.)  Periodically,
> Tomcat just dies leaving no tracks in any log that I have been able to
> find. The application has run on a Slackware 12.1 (32 bit) for several
> years without problems (except for application bugs.)  I have run
> memTest86 for 30 hours on the T110 with no problems reported.
> All of the following trials have produced the same results:

One last check: have you tried a 32-bit JVM running on either a 32-bit
or 64-bit OS? Your memory needs are quire modest, so a 32-bit JVM should
suffice. I think you mentioned that, in the past, on lesser hardware, a
32-bit JVM was being used.

> The failures look a lot like the linux OOM killer (which Mark or Chris
> said way back at the beginning which is now 2-3 months ago.)

While the Linux OOM killer /is/ possible, I agree with Chuck that it's
sounding less like a memory problem. I would have bet on a hardware
problem, but memtest86 seems to have ruled that out (any x86 system I've
suspected of having flaky hardware has always failed on it's first round
of memtest86 testing). I wonder if there's a memtest_x64 that you should
be trying, instead <shrug>.

I honestly can't think of any other reason why Tomcat would be just
dying with no trace: a clean shutdown would produce logs. The Linux OOM
killer would say something in the system logs (you're not doing remote
syslogging, and the message is somehow getting lost, are you?). A JVM
bug would likely generate an hs_pid.log file with details of the crash.

I have to admit, I'm stumped. :(

- -chris
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