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On 2/14/2010 12:54 PM, Steve Campisano wrote:
> So this does work ....
> It will not work however when I attempt to run it with
> http://www.mysite.com/TestStruts1/newArticle.jsp.

I agree with Chuck: the botched configuration of Tomcat is causing you a
bunch of problems. Note that things started working once you put a
subdirectory into public_html (because the <Host> appBase was set to
that directory, and autoDeploy="true" by default), but they weren't
working quite right.

It looks like these guys intend for you to have a single <Context> that
resides in a single directory, which is reasonable, honestly. Instead,
they've created a monster where you can trick their Tomcat instance into
deploying many webapps while the ROOT webapp fights for control of the
whole thing.

Is this a hosting company that manages multiple clients, or your own
"in-house" IT staff (who have been moved off-shore)? If the former, they
have a significant problem in their understanding of how to manage
multiple customer webapps. If the latter, well, they still have a
significant misunderstanding, but we have a better chance of getting
them to change their configuration.

- -chris
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